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Jun 27, 2023

Consequences of less sleep

Consequences of less sleep: Do you know the consequences of staying up late at night? Brain damage caused by staying up late at night

Consequences of less sleep: People who stay awake till late night get used to wrong things. Research has found that 9% of people die early due to bad habits caused by staying up late.

  Post Do you know the consequences of staying up late at night?

Consequences of staying up late

It often happens that a person cannot sleep till late at night. Staying up late at night is okay sometimes, but the habit can be fatal if it happens daily and on a large scale.

What did the research reveal?

Research conducted in Finland has found that staying up late at night results in people becoming intoxicated by consuming drugs such as alcohol and tobacco. And get used to it.

Cause of increase in death rate

Research has revealed that waking up late at night has increased the number of deaths in people due to bad habits. And the death rate has increased greatly by 9%. Our brains are not in our control, these cars get bad habits. And the death rate increases.

How many people were researched?

The findings, published in an article in Chronobiology International, looked at 24,000 people from 1981 to 2018. In which he was asked a question about less sleep.

Which people die soon?

Looking at 8,728 death reports over the 37 years from 1981 to 2018, it was found that people who stay up late at night die earlier than those who go to bed late.

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Researchers have found that people who stay up until midnight have more melatonin, a hormone that affects sleep. It is released late. This is why I come late, this is why such people have the problem of getting up early in the morning. Even if they get up early, they do not feel refreshed. The amount of energy in them comes in the afternoon or evening. 

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