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Dec 20, 2020

Give this to your child instead of chocolate

 Give this to your child instead of chocolate

Children usually have a habit of eating chocolate. And this habit of children causes them problems. But you give him something of chocolate that will keep him healthy. Learn what it is and its benefits.

Kids love to eat chocolate. Gradually this hobby turns into a habit and eating too much chocolate can lead to various health problems in children. On the other hand in the Corona period doctors are constantly talking about boosting our immune system. People are given extra immunity drugs. Did you know that one item lying in your kitchen can be a chocolate option for kids? We are talking about desi jaggery. Give children desi jaggery instead of chocolate. Your child will always be healthy.

Give this to your child instead of chocolate
 Give this to your child instead of chocolate

You have a baby at home and if you eat something sweet, give him desi jaggery instead of chocolate or biscuits. Perhaps after reading this article, all those parents will definitely think of giving around to their children. Desi jaggery has many natural benefits. In earlier times, a lump of jaggery was given for lunch or dinner. And people also used to eat this jaggery with sweets like roti or ghee. There must be some benefits to it. Many beneficial properties of jaggery are beneficial for our health. Round taste is a treasure of good health as well.

The design has many benefits

If you want to eat something sweet after lunch or dinner, start eating desi jaggery. Because this jaggery will not cause any side effects or illness but will benefit your body a lot. Eating jaggery has many health benefits. The present generation has forgotten the habit of eating jaggery but if it is adopted again, it can beat many things including constipation and memory.

Memory is round

Earlier people considered jaggery to be very beneficial for improving memory. If you want to try this, take jaggery every night for 7 consecutive days after meals. Trying this remedy will make up for the lack of sweetness and also increase memory.

Beneficial jaggery in amnia

Desi jaggery is made from sugarcane. By heating this sugarcane, a good amount of iron is produced in it. Iron is very important for the body. Iron tablets are given to pregnant women. Now you just have to think if the iron deficiency in daily jaggery can be met. No medication is required for this. The jaggery itself is an iron pill-like drug.

Get rid of tons of problems

Due to the current lifestyle, even young children often face gas and constipation problems. Most people suffer from this problem. Now if you get in the habit of eating jaggery every day, you will definitely get rid of the problem of gas and constipation. Jaggery will also strengthen digestion. At the same time, jaggery is also beneficial during menstruation as the habit of eating jaggery every night also gets rid of the problem of stomach ache.

Round strengthens bones

Eating jaggery strengthens the bones that is why the amount of jaggery is kept more in the vasana given to pregnant women. This jaggery not only strengthens women's bones but also provides nutrients to the newborn baby. At the same time, if small children are given jaggery instead of chocolate or biscuits every day, their bones will also become stronger.

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Increases energy levels and is also beneficial in migraines

Whether you are tired or fasting all day, if you drink even a glass of desi jaggery and lemon juice, your body will store energy. Gol also acts as a kind of energy booster. You will feel weakness by drinking jaggery water. So eating jaggery with cow's ghee will definitely relieve people suffering from migraine headaches.

There are many such healing elements in the sphere that today's generation is probably completely unaware of. People are buying chocolates and biscuits for their children as a status symbol but they are distorting the jaggery with their own and their children's bodies. But now it is time to be aware of the health of oneself and one's children and to include a little bit of jaggery in the diet.

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