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Dec 21, 2020

Gujarat Corona Update 21-12-20

 Gujarat Corona Update: After 61 days in the state, the official number of corona below 1000, 960 new patients registered

Corona's condition in the state is getting worse day by day. Gradually the Corona figure now crossed 1400. However, now that Corona is slowly coming under control, the numbers are dwindling and at one point the cases are going below 1000. However, 

Diwali saw a sudden surge in the number of cases. However, after the night curfew, the situation is slowly declining and the figures are slowly declining. Today, after 61 days, Corona's positive figure has come down to 1000. Today, 960 new corona patients were registered in the state. In the state, 1268 new patients have recovered and returned home. A total of 2,20,393 patients have recovered so far.

Gujarat Corona Update 21-12-20
Gujarat Corona Update 21-12-20

Corona's condition in the state is getting worse day by day. Gradually the Corona figure now crossed 1400. However, now that Corona is slowly coming under control, the numbers are dwindling and at one point the cases are going below 1000. However, Diwali saw a sudden surge in the number of cases. However, after the night curfew, the situation is slowly declining and the figures are slowly declining. Today, after 61 days, Corona's positive figure has come down to 1000. Today, 960 new corona patients were registered in the state. In the state, 1268 new patients have recovered and returned home. A total of 2,20,393 patients have recovered so far.

The recovery rate of patients in the state has reached 93.28 percent. The government is also claiming that the number of tests in the state is increasing day by day. A total of 54,612 tests were conducted in the state today. Which is 840.18 per million per day according to the population of the state. A total of 91,08,393 tests have been conducted in the state so far.

A total of 5,07,002 persons have been quarantined in different districts of the state to date. Out of which 5,06,876 persons have been home quarantined.

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While 126 persons are being kept in facility quarantine. If we talk about active patients, there are currently 11,625 active cases in the state. There are 66 on the ventilator. While 11,559 people are stable. 2,20,393 people have been discharged. A total of 4241 people have been killed so far. 

Today 07 people have died. Out of which a total of 07 patients including 04 from Ahmedabad Corporation and 03 from Surat Corporation have died due to corona.

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