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Dec 22, 2020

mucormycosis Bimari Ange Ni Margdarshika Babt Latest Gr

We are Provide Information About Mucormycosis Bimari Ange Ni Margdarshika Babat Latest Gr.

Recently, a fungus called mucormycosis was reported as a side effect of the corona. Now the state government has sealed the Zee 24 hour report. After the report on the severity of the cases of Mucormycosis fungus was circulated, the state government has finally issued alerts in all the districts regarding Mucormycosis fungus. The state government has sent guidelines to all districts on mucormycosis fungus and instructed them to take precautionary measures.

Mucormycosis Bimari Ange Ni Margdarshika

Recently, a fungus called mucormycosis was reported as a side effect of the corona. Now the state government has sealed the Zee 24 hour report. After the report on the severity of the cases of Mucormycosis fungus was circulated, the state government has finally issued alerts in all the districts regarding Mucormycosis fungus. The state government has sent guidelines to all districts on mucormycosis fungus and instructed them to take precautionary measures.

Gujarat Government finally issues alert for mucormycosis fungus

The state government has admitted that those who have other diseases after the weakening of the immune system are afraid of getting mucormycosis. Mucormycosis is a serious infection, with the state government acknowledging a mortality rate of up to 50 percent. The state government has mentioned in the guideline the increase in cases of leucorrhoea in Ahmedabad and Rajkot. The state government has provided information to all the necessary departments about the symptoms and treatment of mucormycosis. The guidelines have been sent to make district officials, experts, and medical officers aware of the disease. In which all the information related to mucormycosis is presented.

In cases that have come up so far, those who have had or recovered from corona are being made victims of mucormycosis. However, the only option is not to be afraid of leucorrhoea, but prudent and timely treatment. Like the corona, the mask protects against mucormycosis. Excessive nasal congestion can facilitate the spread of mucormycosis fungus through the nose.

Mucormycosis is even more dangerous than corona

Over the past year, Corona's outcry has spread around the world. But now mucormycosis is becoming even more deadly. Mortality was 2 percent in corona, 50 percent in mucormycosis. Once the fungus spreads from the back of the eye to the brain, it is impossible to save the patient. “We can operate on one patient in one day of mucormycosis,” the doctor says. Can't take another patient to the same operating theater right away. If the nose feels full or the eyes become dark, it is advisable to consult a doctor immediately. The eyeball is also seen to be coming out so if the patient comes for treatment in 24 or 48 hours, his eyes can be saved.

Symptoms of mucormycosis

The disease involves a type of fungus that eats the bones in the nose

There is also a small bone between the nose and the eye, which is carved

Between the nose and the brain is the bone, which is eaten

The disease has a direct effect on the patient's eyes and brain

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Mycorrhiza is spread to the brain

Patients come for treatment in the advanced stage as this type of problem arises after a cold. So far 43 percent of the patients who have come for treatment in Civil i.e. 19 patients have been found to be blind, while some patients have also gone blind. The spread of leucorrhoea has also been reported in the brain of a patient. Abroad, the mortality rate due to leucorrhoea disease has been found to be around 50 percent, which is currently around 20 percent in Ahmedabad Civil.

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Mucormycosis Bimari Ange Ni Margdarshika
mucormycosis Bimari Ange Ni Margdarshika Babt Latest Gr
Mucormycosis Bimari Ange Ni Margdarshika

What kind of patient gets this disease

This is a good thing that the corona disease does not spread from one person to another. People with high diabetes, blood cancer or an organ transplant, or a weakened immune system are more likely to develop leucorrhoea. Before Corona's arrival, there were only one or two cases of leucorrhoea during the whole year, but in just two months, only 44 cases were reported at the Ahmedabad Civil Hospital.

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