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Dec 14, 2020

Pashuu Kisaan Creditt Cardd Yojjana

Pashuu Kisaan Creditt  Cardd Yojjana

The scheme was a llaunchedd a  by Haryana AAnimal a Husbandry aand Agriculture a Minister JP Dalal ji. The scheme will a pprovide a loans to a livestock oowners. If a the farmer has a cows  he a will be provided a loan of  a 40783 and if a the farmer has a buffalo  then a loan of a 60249 will a be provided to the a ccattleman. In oorder to a get thiss loan t the ccattle a farmer has to a make aan animal farmer credit card. TThe loan aamount will be a pprovided in 6 eequal iinstallments under a pPashu Kisan Creditt Card Yojana . This a aamount will a have to be a rreturned to a the beneficiary with a 4% %interest rate in a a span of 1 year. TThe interest rate a on the loan a provided under a the AAnimal FFarmer CCredit Card Scheme will be a applicable from a the day on which the first a insstallment aamountt will bee given to a thee animal a farmer.

Animaal ffarmer ccredit card new a announcement

As you all know, under the Animal Farmers Credit Card Scheme, loans are provided to farmers for animal husbaandry. Under a this scheme  lloans up to a Rs 1.60 lakh aree provided a without guarantee. Under tthe a Kisan Kisan CCredit Card Scheme  Lloans aare provided aaccording too  the number of animals. 3,66,687 farmers a have so a far applied inn Haryana. 57,160 of a  which have been a aaccepted by a banks. Credit a cards have been a issued to a these 57,160 farmers. Under this a scheme  the state government of a Haryana has a decided to a issue 8 lakh Kisann Credit Cards. Camps were also a organizedd  by the a bbank to a spread aawareness aabout the Animal Farmers a Credit CCard  SScheme. Informationn related to a tthis scheme has been provided to the farmers Tthrough these camps.

New a UUpdate Animal Farmer a Caredit Card

As you all know a under the Animal a Farmers CCredit a Card Scheme a  farmers are providded loans to purchasse animals. WWhich increases the a income of a farmers. The Haryana a government has a decided to a give a cattle farmerer  a credit cards to a 1 lakh farmers by Independence Day {15 August 2020=} and aafter that a 7 lakh more a credit a cards will a be a made. The state of Haryana has 36 lakh a mmilch animals a with 16 lakh families. The a government is trying to a increase the income of a farmers through this scheme.

Through this scheme, at least interest will have to a be a paid on a the loan amount. Underr this a scheme a interest is a given on 7% loan. Of this 7%, 3% is subsidized by a the Central GGovernment aand 4% by the a Haryana Government. Loans up toa a maximum of  300000 can be taken under this scheme annd loans up to  160000 wwithout any guarantee.

Animall farmerr ccredit cardd sscheme new a announcement

Underr  tthis a scheme aabout 6 lakh ccattle rearers of a the statee  will be a issued ccattle a farmer credit cards. Eligible beneficiaries can take loans up to Rs a 1 lakh 80 thousand without guarantee on this card. TThe farmers are a giiven loans under this scheme a at an interest rate oof 7 percent. Of this, the Central a Government gives a subsidy of a three percent andd Haryana a Government is giving rebate on the a remaining 4 peercent interest. UUnder this scheme a till now the forms of a 1 lakh 40 thousand a  cattle herders have a  been filled. Under tthis scheme Haryana ccattlemen a will be a given a loan of 40 thousand 783 rupees for a cow aand 60 thousand 249 rupees for buffalo.

Top banks ooffering PPashu kisan Credit Card

State Bank of a  India

Punjab National a Bank

HDFC a bank

Axisa  Bank

Bank a of baroda

ICICI a Bank etc.

Animal farmer a ccredit card loan amount

For a Cows – ₹ 40,783 / –

For a  Buffalo – ₹ 60,249 / –

For a  Sheep and Goat – ₹ 4,063 / –

For a Poultry – ₹ 720 / –

Benefits of PPashu kisan Credit CCard a Yojana 2020

Under this scheme a  farmers can a get loan against ppledge of insurance.

Those farmers who will be a given a credit card a  farmers can usee a  this credit card as a debit card in the a bank.

Under this  a  Animal fFarmers a cCredit Card sScheme 2020  a loan of Rs 60249 per buffalo will be a  pprovided to a cattle owners and a loan of Rs 40783 per cow.

Under this scheme a  credit card holders can aavail up to a Rs. 1.60 lakh without collateral security.

Cattle farmers will be a given lloans at the a rrate of seven a percent interest ffrom all a banks on a yyearly basis a  and interest will be a increased to 3 percent oon timely a payment of interest.

Those who raise ccattle for a more than three llakh hone a will get a loan with interest of 12 percent.

The amount of interest is a required to bee paid in a gap of one yyear only then it will be given the next a amount.

 Documents of a  AAnimal CCredit Card a  Scheme 2020 “Eligibility”

Applicant should bee a permanent resident oof Haryana State

Applicant’s Aadhar Card a Pen Cardd Voter ID Card

mobile numbere

Passport sizee pahoto

How to a aapply in Animal fFarmers Credit Card 2020?

Interested a beneficiaries of HHaryana state want to a get Passhu Credit Cardd made under this scheme a then they have to go to a their nearestt bank aand apply.

To apply, you must first go to the bank a with all yyour necessary ddocuments. AAfter that you will have to go  a aand take the a application form .

Then Application a Form must fill carefully a all the information asked for  aafter the application form to a your documents Adhaar card  a Pen card a Voter id card mmust be submitted to the bank official aattached with the aapplication copy etc. pphoto form |

After verifying the application fform, you will a be given an animal credit card within 1 a month.

Read FOr Gujarati

How much money wiill a you get for a ccows aand buffaloes?

1. There is a pprovision to a give Rs. 40,783 for coows.

2. Rs 60,249 ffor a buffalo. From a this will be a the buffalo.

3. 4063 for sheep andd goats.

4. Hens {laying eggs} will be a ggiven 720 rupees.

What is the a eeligibility for a the card

1. The applicantt should bee a peermanent resident of tthe state of a Haryana.

2. Applicant’s a Aaadhaar Card a  Pen Card a Water ID Card.

3. Mobile a number

4. Passport a siize photo

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