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Feb 15, 2023

શાળા દફતર મોડ્યુલ PDF ફાઈલ || શાળામાં કાયમી રાખવાના દફતર ની માહિતી

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શાળા દફતર મોડ્યુલ PDF ફાઈલ

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ગુજરાત મુલ્કી સેવા નિયમો

ગુજરાત મુલ્કી સેવા મુસાફરી ભથ્થા નિયમો 2002

ગુજરાત મુલ્કી સેવા રજા નિયમો

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💰ધોરણ 5 કેકારવ day to day આયોજન દ્વિતિય સત્ર 

મહત્વપૂર્ણ લિંક દ્રિતીય સત્ર

મહત્વપૂર્ણ લિંક દ્રિતીય સત્ર

ધોરણ 5 કેકારવ day to day આયોજન.


ધોરણ-૧-૨નું day-to-day આયોજન દ્વિતીય સત્ર ડાઉનલોડ કરવા માટે અહીં ક્લિક કરો.

ધોરણ-૩નું daytoday આયોજન દ્વિતીય સત્ર ડાઉનલોડ કરવા માટે અહીં ક્લિક કરો.

ધોરણ-૪નું daytoday આયોજન દ્વિતીય સત્ર ડાઉનલોડ કરવા માટે અહીં ક્લિક કરો.

 ધોરણ-૫નું Day to Day આયોજન દ્વિતીય સત્ર ડાઉનલોડ કરવા માટે અહીં ક્લિક કરો.

ધોરણ 6 નું Day to Day  આયોજન દ્વિતીય સત્ર ડાઉનલોડ કરવા માટે અહીં ક્લિક કરો

ધોરણ-૭નું day-to-day આયોજન દ્વિતીય સત્ર ડાઉનલોડ કરવા માટે અહીં ક્લિક કરો.

ધોરણ-૮નું day-to-day આયોજન દ્વિતીય સત્ર ડાઉનલોડ કરવા માટે અહીં ક્લિક કરો.

ધોરણ-૧-૨નું day-to-day આયોજન દ્વિતીય સત્ર ડાઉનલોડ કરવા માટે અહીં ક્લિક કરો.

ધોરણ-૩-૪-૫નું day-to-day આયોજન દ્વિતીય સત્ર ડાઉનલોડ કરવા માટે અહીં ક્લિક કરો.

ધોરણ-૬-૭-૮નું day-to-day આયોજન દ્વિતીય સત્ર ડાઉનલોડ કરવા માટે અહીં ક્લિક કરો.

👍 અન્ય ખૂબ જ ઉપયોગી માહિતી જાણો અને મિત્રોને પણ શૅર કરશો

Because of the preparation module 4 in the showing measure, the racial schooling in the showing cycle, the date - 13/10/2020 got the comprehension of different issues of opportune reverential preparing module Ch-4 by inception stage and being broadcast on Tuesday. Jendender sensation Apart from this, Gender and his particle in the school training measure were given a decent comprehension of the Gender and its atoms. 

There was a two diverse idea of Gender and sexual orientation. The arrangement was given by the introduction of the kid and the comprehension of social contrast among males and ladies. At that point the comprehension of action identified with various subjects. Then, we got an exceptionally fascinating comprehension of different issues, which we get the intriguing arrangement. As an instructor, what I ought to do in my study hall just as in school is as per the following. (1) Tourism ought to be identified as sex contrasts in school activities. 

(2) A skilled climate ought to be made, where all understudies, including young ladies, can trade their current encounters. (3) By contemplating dialects, for example, sex-related dialects, for example, Gender bias. (4) As an instructor I will show the young ladies a basic and fascinating path to the young ladies with the goal that this waste eliminates. (5) Examples of exceptional ways given to the commitment given by ladies in the impacts of climate and life impacts. Hence, different exercises could be acquired by the information on Medical Affairs.

Then, I will utilize this module in the school homeroom by decent fun exercises of various exchanges. Subsequently, under the preparation of commitment, acquired a ton of data about Gender Education in this module. On account of ICT reconciliation in Disthanty Training Module-5 Teaching-Answers and examination. The present date 14/10/2020 is the start of the module - 5 preparings by the commencement stage on Wednesday, in which the ICT incorporation on the subject of the ICT coordination in instructing educating and assessment, for example, ICT, ICT is? Get, Queen, Q. How does the comprehension of ICT, questions, understanding, giving an extremely decent and movement to give the action and reactions. It is significant that it is vital to comprehend the type of substance to know the field of ICT. The utilization of ICT can be utilized in the school just as the homeroom educating work. 

(1) In this module, ICT has been utilized in numerous models and comprehension. I have concentrated well. What's more, I should utilize it in the school class. (2) There are media identified with ICT in my school like TV, PC, portable, projector and so forth will be utilized in scholastic activities. (3) Using the ICT will likewise put forth attempts to realize their more interest in instruction. (4) Currently, I'm utilizing ICT in my school in Kovid-19. (5) In this module, arranging in the circumstance given in the circumstance, will be utilized by arranging a timeframe. (6) The picture given in the module will know about the comprehension of the data that has its data. Along these lines, ICT can have a significant influence in training by this module. With the goal that I will utilize it in my school just as in the study hall. 

Significant LINKS 


Aside from this, ICT will likewise utilize different exercises, learning-focused strategies, web based educating and so forth Hence, the comprehension of ICT by this module, learning pleasant data by exercises just as Quiz. Thank youthly preparing module-6 workmanship coordinated training. Today Date 16/10/2020 by Baptism Platform on Friday just as Biogag Broadcasting. Model-6 "Workmanship Integrated Education 'is one of the main perusing by perusing. The craftsmanship coordinated schooling is a learning model. The specialty of instructing depends on training .The craftsmanship presentation of workmanship coordinated training, coordinated, craftsmanship ordered schooling in youngsters (1) Planning the units of educational program in exercises to be continued in school. (2) The data of the site will attempt to plan instructive writing such that kids are valuable. Furthermore, the study hall and younger students will profit by it. (3) Teaching-Anthrophanas work will put forth attempts to be chirmed and fascinating. (4) Art Integrated Subject Education, for example, association with English craftsmanship will be educated.

 Along these lines, I will utilize the above issues as aggregated training in my homeroom. In this way, the significance of craftsmanship training is fascinating by the module-6 "Workmanship Integrated Education '. Because of the reverential preparing module - 7" School-based assessment' Territory Date 20/10/20 Tuesday Platform just as Bisig Broadcast An understanding we got past the accompanying issues. Prologue to the level headed, subject index, tutoring general assessment, What is simply the schoolpurpatrium assessment?, SBA's idea, assessment, thought, individual examination appraisal, bunch study assessment, cohort assessment, measures structure, chief and so forth * I will utilize school based assessment modules in my study hall.

 (1) During the assessment of the school premise, understudies will build up the instruments to build up a standard understudies. (2) In request to arrange the workplace, the assessment of kids will do customary and alarm. (3) Note the progressions made by instructing in the turn of events and training in its life advancement. (4) The youngster will reliably and appreciate with the legitimate configuration of instructing benevols. (5) Apart from scholarly, its all encompassing assessment will likewise be put out. Look at its different forces checking the purges inside it. (6) Each of the study halls will actually want to notice and assess the perception and assessment interaction of concentrating based on the norm and age limit. (7) Only composed will likewise take note of the assessment of oral and their inventive things. (8) School and study hall standards structure will notice the accomplishment of the accomplishment of educating anxiety. 

Hence, remember the above issues and use it in the study hall. Module-7 "School-based Appraisal" is known as a pleasant data by video just as the Video Training Module-8 Environmental Studying instructional method Today's Date 21/10/2020 on Wednesday on Wednesday, on Wednesday, and Biogag Broadcasting Module - 8 "Natural Study * Using the youngster in the homeroom in the study hall as an educator, the utilization of the philosophy of the framework. (1) The ecological technique will be utilized based on the model of Lee.

 (2) Regardless of the youngster who comes from the space, will attempt to similarity of instructive forbiddances. From the kid can without much of a stretch comprehend. (3) Mistake as per the subject of climate. 

(4) Children can be joined with social just as a regular habitat and attempt to accomplish scholarly learning impatients in its lucidness. (5) Provide ecological issue discourse inside the school supplication action. (6) Activities like planting, will put forth attempts to build up kids' closeness. Subsequently, at the top of the priority list the above issues, the school, and the homeroom will be utilized in the school just as the module - 

8 "ecological examination pedagogians' familiarity with the climate in kids, how much interest, the movement can be decent. Wishony preparing modu-9" to put it plainly, the math framework, acquired a ton intriguing to comprehend the premium of the learning action. In my homeroom, M. Moday-9 "Arithmetic's in the school will be utilized beneath. (1) High essential levels will actually want to build up the module based exercises to build up an idea of comprehension of the fundamental interaction of arithmetic. (2) Sikhs during the modual perusing period Thus, think about the above issues, and utilize this module in the homeroom. Hence, there is a pleasant data by the versatile and bisag broadcast in Mo Dowel-9 "Philosophy 'in an alternate data by an alternate data and exercises. Reverential preparing Modyul-10" Social Science' Social Science 'Today Date 26/10/2020 Mon * As the instructor in the homeroom, I will utilize this Model-10 "Social Science'Script 'as follows.

 (1) Pragmatic utility and instructing of sociology subject will be engaged for anxiety and creating. (2) Children are keen on sociology subjects and youngsters attempt yourself - Language instruction framework comprehension of showing schooling under language training, comprehension and instances of goals and models, and instances of all language, with language, the language of the language, the significance of the alteration, the significance of language, getting, getting, language and its presentation, local communicating in, language After that, the presentation of language instruction, presentation of language training, presentation of language supporting craftsmanship, advancement standards, composing abilities, action, thought reactions, multi-valid, sees, just as use, research, comprehension of showing abilities, and appreciation, research, 

comprehension of showing abilities, research, getting, workmanship, workmanship. * As an educator in the study hall, I will utilize the Model-11 "Language Methodology '. (1) Language instruction inside the school work is something vital, on the grounds that language training will be reasonable for all these learning impotent and correspondence and correspondence and kid effectively comprehend the viable arrangement We will use in my study hall just as in school.

 "We get exceptionally pleasant data by the Model of the Mistakinology, which we get fascinating ways. Because of the preparation module-12" study of science 'Medication Day 28/10/2020 on Wednesday on Wednesday * In the study hall and the utilization of "study of science 'in the school and the arrangement of science' will be utilized beneath. (1) with regards to the module, youngsters will comprehend the significance of science subjects in schoolroom school exercises and build up the action of utilization in down-to-earth life.

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