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Oct 9, 2021







કિંજલ દવે ગરબા ૨૦૨૧ વિડીયો

ઐશ્વર્યા મઝુમદાર   ગરબા ૨૦૨૧ વિડીયો

સૂર મંદિર બેસ્ટ નોન સ્ટોપ  ગરબા ૨૦૨૧ વિડીયો

વિક્રમ ઠાકોર   ગરબા ૨૦૨૧ વિડીયો


ગીતા રબારી ગરબા ૨૦૨૧ વિડીયો


હેમંત ચૌહાણ   ગરબા ૨૦૨૧ વિડીયો


જિજ્ઞેશ કવિરાજ  ગરબા ૨૦૨૧ વિડીયો


પામેલા જૈન  ગરબા ૨૦૨૧ વિડીયો


રાકેશ બારોટ -તેજલ ઠાકોર લેટેસ્ટ ગરબા ૨૦૨૧


સુપરહિટ નોનસ્ટોપ લેટેસ્ટ ગરબા ૨૦૨૧


ફાલ્ગુની પાઠક લેટેસ્ટ ગરબા ૨૦૨૧


નોરતાની રાત લેટેસ્ટ ગરબા કીર્તીદાન ગઢવી-અનીતા પંડીત  ૨૦૨૧


કીર્તીદાન ગઢવી ગરબા ૨૦૨૧ વિડીયો

અતુલ પુરોહિત  ગરબા ૨૦૨૧ વિડીયો

ગમન સંથાલ  ગરબા ૨૦૨૧ વિડીયો

DJ પર વગાડવા માટે નોનસ્ટોપ ગરબા ૨૦૨૧ વિડીયો

Despite being the owner of a lot of wealth, if there is a desire to get something in the mind, then understand that he is still poor and nothing is nearby, yet there is no other crore husband than the one who is swinging in his fun.  could.

️Eager to hug Sudama
  Shri Dwarkadhish did not run away because Sudama had nothing, but because Sudama's desire to get anything was no longer left in his mind.

That is why the saints have said that God gives to himself whatever he does not ask for.  Today in Dwarkapuri, Sudama is seated on the throne and all the ladies including Krishna are serving him by sitting at his feet.

Sudama is being worshiped not because of his influence, but because of his nature and the feeling of not wanting anything.

Sudama's desire not to get anything gave him the throne of Dwarkapuri, as if God was trying to say that the one who has no more desire left becomes the right to sit next to me like me.

The emptiness of man's desire makes him more valuable, precious and dear to that Lord than ever.

The one in which there is no demand is a diamond.

   Kabira you cheat, and neither cheat coy.
You are cheating, and you are cheating.

There is no greater crime than deliberately hurting someone.

But the person who really knows, understands and believes God thinks the opposite.

After reviewing his actions, he improves himself, and rejoices.

His soul does not allow to hurt others, because he sees God existing in them as well.


The definition of sannyasi and yogi that Lord Shri Krishna has put before Arjuna in Gita ji is very wonderful and worthy of contemplation.  Lord Shri Krishna says that O Arjuna, renunciation is not a matter of cover but of conduct.

What the tongue is saying is not the test of being a sannyasi, but what life is saying, it is definitely the test of being a sannyasi and a yogi.

️Anashrit: karma phalam karma karma karoti ya:
sa sannyasi c yogi c na niragnirn cha kriya.
The man who renounces the desire for the fruits of action and always does good deeds, whose benevolence is the goal of life, he is a true sannyasi.  Renunciation of actions is not sanyasa, but renunciation of evil deeds is sanyasa.  To give up the world is not sannyas, but to give up for the world is definitely sannyas.


Today's man does not hesitate to accuse even God.  On the strength of the same intellect that God has given it, it wants to belittle God.

It is often heard from the mouths of people that even God discriminates.  Gave so much to others, gave us nothing.  The happiness of others only gave us so much sorrow.  God says in Gita that

️ samoh sarvabhuteshu namo dvishyosti na dearah.
O Arjuna, I never discriminate against anyone, nor is any creature special to me.

️ I am equanimous in everyone, but in spite of this, a person with good conduct, always engaged in righteousness, service to my saints and Vaishnavas and who loves me becomes my beloved.

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