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Jul 27, 2022

Water should be tanked all the time while sitting

  Water should be tanked all the time while sitting

Water should be inebriated 100% of the time while sitting and drinking discreetly

Drink a lot of water

Wear baggy white or light-hued cotton apparel to keep out the intensity of summer. The stomach ought to be loaded up with water subsequent to eating something special prior to going out. The body ought not be dried out. Resting intermittently during work. At the same time hydrate at short spans during work.

1-Carry admission

In the late spring season, mango perplex is known as a wellbeing tonic. Drinking mango bison consistently doesn't cause the body to feel cold.


Individuals use coriander to improve the flavor of food. Yet, drinking coriander water can forestall heat. In the wake of absorbing new coriander water, add sugar and hydrate

3-Consumption of buttermilk

There are a few advantages to drinking tea. In hot season, adding bean stew powder and cumin to the tea leaves doesn't cause heatstroke. Simultaneously how much water in the body doesn't diminish.

4-Amber admission

To keep away from heat, pulverize the mango seeds and make a powder of it. Add sugar and mango powder in water and drink it to keep the stomach related framework solid.

5-Green Coconut

Coconut water is wealthy in properties. Utilization of coconut water in blistering weather conditions requires no medication. Drinking coconut water consistently doesn't cause you to feel hot.

6-Consumption of onion

Onion is a fast solution for dispose of the issue of intensity stroke. Eating onions consistently keeps the internal heat level great. You can likewise drink onion juice.

રોજ સવારે ખાલી પેટે શા માટે પીવું જોઈએ ગરમ હુંફાળું પાણી❓... આ રહ્યા કારણો

source:: NEWS 18 REPORT

અહીંથી વાંચો ગુજરાતી રિપોર્ટ

Drinking hot water does not cause wrinkles on the face quickly and 

હંમેશા બેસી ને ઘૂંટડે ઘૂંટડે પાણી પીવાની ટેવ રાખો

હરતાં ફરતાં કે ઊભા રય ને પાણી પીવાની ટેવ હોય તો ચેતી જજો, થાય છે આટલું નુકશાન

અહીંથી વાંચો સંપુર્ણ ગુજરાતી માહિતી

ઓછું પાણી પીવાથી થતા નુકશાન વિશે

*👨‍🦲શરીરમાં આયર્નની ઊણપને કારણે વાળ ખરશે, તો ડિપ્રેશનનું પણ છે જોખમ*

 જાણો શું રાખવું ધ્યાન ❓ અને કેમ રહેવું તંદુરસ્ત

ગુજરાતી માં વાંચવા અહીં ક્લીક કરો

Water is a significant piece of our every day schedule. Appetite can be endured for some time however thirst is hard to extinguish. In any case, do we focus on the manner in which we drink water? The propensity for drinking water while strolling can be a gamble to our wellbeing. Ayurvedic Dr. is telling regarding this. Sonia.

While does drinking water become unsafe?

There are sure standards of savoring water Ayurveda. We disregard these standards and to that end actual issues increment. Whenever we drink water while standing, we drink rapidly, this places weight on the body. This strain goes into the stomach the same way a supper goes. Then, at that point, new issues start.

What damage does drinking standing water do to the body?

Torment in the joints: Drinking water while standing up makes water enter the body quicker. This can detrimentally affect the joints. Whenever left unmanaged, they can be left off track and lose the correct way.

Issues of acid reflux: If water is smashed while sitting, stomach muscles stay loose. Abs become pushed while drinking water while standing. This can cause heartburn.

Increments kidney work:

Drinking water while standing permits water to stream straightforwardly to the lower mid-region. In the in the interim, because of absence of sifting process, there is more weight on the kidneys. It causes kidney related infection.

અહીંથી વાંચો સંપુર્ણ ગુજરાતી માહિતી

Oxygen supply is intruded on: Drinking water while standing can likewise cause windedness. Savoring water this way slows down the stockpile of oxygen to the lungs through food and wind pipes.

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