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Aug 20, 2022

The flying car has arrived, know what the price is, how many people have booked

 The flying car has arrived, know what the price is, how many people have booked

Whether the car is expensive or cheap, once you get stuck in traffic, a lot of time is wasted. Due to increasing number of vehicles, inner city roads and highways are crowded with vehicles but what if cars could be flown from the sky? This is an age-old fantasy of man which is now going to be realized. This is a car that can be driven on the road when needed and even flown when needed.

According to the information received, the flying car is coming to the American market, which has been booked by 2000 people. It has taken 14 years to prepare this car. After design, research and development, the flying vehicle is finally hitting the market. The testing of the world's first flying car at a speed of 87 km per hour has been successful.

If we look at it like this, a car flying in the air can also be called an airplane, but the surprising thing is that this vehicle is not technically a car or an airplane, but has been included in the list of three-wheeled motorcycles. Apart from the driver, this car has space for one passenger.

Running on the road and flying in the sky will be a different experience. However, driving this flying vehicle is not that easy. It also needs a runway to fly like an airplane. Hence to fly it one has to follow the protocol for the flight.

The company claims that customers can use it as they wish, but any set-up or facility development for private flying taxis is yet to happen in the US. A biju or car cannot be flown ready from the showroom but has to be assembled and ready with parts.

Read In Gujarati

When having both road and flying type of vehicle, it is necessary to have both aviation and road license. If the drivers of this particular type of car are non-pilots, it may be difficult. It is easy for those who are familiar with or knowledgeable about aviation technology. The estimated price of this car is around 1.35 crore rupees.

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