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Oct 11, 2022

Putin is not kidding...: Biden gives alert about the biggest threat, tension rises around the world

Putin is not kidding...: Biden gives alert about the biggest threat, tension rises around the world

joe biden expressed fear of nuclear attack amongst russia ukraine war

US President Joe Biden has expressed fear of a nuclear attack in the conflict between Russia and Ukraine and said that Putin is not joking.

The threat of a nuclear attack is growing in the war between Russia and Ukraine. US President Joe Biden said that this is the first time since the Cold War when a nuclear techno threat is being seen. Biden took part in a Democratic Party fund-raising event in New York on Thursday, during which he said that we are facing this fear for the first time since Kennedy and the Cuban Missile Crisis in 1962. 

Biden went on to say that he was looking for a way to dissuade Russian President Vladimir Putin from taking action in the Ukraine conflict. He said that Putin is not joking when he is threatening a nuclear attack on Ukraine. You see that Putin's army is underperforming in the Ukraine war. In this he has expressed apprehension of using biological or chemical weapons. 

Defense preparations amid possibility of nuclear attack 
While the city council of Kiev in Ukraine says it is preparing to defend the capital amid fears of a nuclear attack, potassium iodine tablets will be available. Potassium iodine tablets, taken before or immediately after exposure to nuclear radiation, help prevent absorption of harmful radiation by the thyroid gland. 

What is President Putin thinking?
The White House has warned that if Putin turns to a nuclear attack, the consequences for Russia will not be good. The question is, will Putin stop? No one can say this for sure. Eye on the Kremlin Kremlin watchers begrudgingly admit that they cannot say with certainty what they are thinking or that they know the consequences.

"We see no practical evidence in the US intelligence community today that it is approaching the actual use, or imminent threat, of the use of strategic nuclear weapons," said CIA Director William Burns. We need to take this seriously and look for signs of real preparedness.

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