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Feb 14, 2023

Benefits of Sindhav Mitha

 Benefits of Sindhav Mitha: Why is Sindhav Mitha used in fasting?

Fasting on Ekadashi etc. dates and special occasions has been mentioned in religious texts. Only Sindhav salt is used during fasting. In Hinduism, there are many rules related to fasting. Special attention is paid to these rules. Although it is forbidden to eat anything during the fast, but in special circumstances, loose things like milk, fruits, sabudana khichdi etc. can be eaten. The special thing is that Sindhav salt is used in the things eaten during fasting. Sindhav salt contains elements like sodium, phosphorus, calcium, potassium, iron, magnesium, copper, selenium, bromine and iodine. Due to this reason it also helps to cure many diseases

Know the special things related to Sindhav Mitha

Sindhav salt means salt from Sindh region. As this salt comes from Lahore, Pakistan, it is also called Lahore salt. Singha salt is called rock salt. It is considered completely pure as it comes from nature. It contains many nutrients, which are very beneficial for the body. Apart from this, Singhave salt is low in salt and also low in iodine, which helps in controlling high blood pressure and eye inflammation.

Ayurveda has also considered it beneficial

According to Rishi Vagbhata, a great scholar of Ayurveda, Sindhav salt is very beneficial as it is completely natural. If it is used daily in food, diseases and doshas related to vata, pitta and kapha can be avoided. Eating this salt also increases the immunity of the body.

Beneficial in heart diseases

People who have heart related ailments should especially use sindhav salt as it goes into the body after eating food and turns into a sweet juice. For this reason, it is superior to other salts. Using it in food increases appetite and food is also digested quickly. That is why this salt is considered beneficial for heart patients.

This salt is rich in nutrients

According to medical science, Sindhav salt is rich in nutrients. It contains high amounts of magnesium and calcium. These nutrients are beneficial for bones as well as many other parts of the body. If the body needs nutrients, it should be consumed. Blood circulation can also be maintained by including it in food.

Other Benefits of Sindhav Salt

સિંધવ મીઠાનાં ફાયદા: સિંધવ મીઠાનો શાં માટે વ્રત-ઉપવાસમાં ઉપયોગ કરવામાં આવે છે? 

Improves digestion – Drinking Sindhav salt water helps in digestion of food easily. Helps to activate the salivary glands in the mouth, thereby improving digestion.

Insomnia- Many people do not sleep well at night due to stress. Drinking Sindhav salt water reduces stress hormones and relieves the problem of insomnia.

Muscle pain- Sindhav salt is considered very beneficial in muscle pain or bone related problems.

Stone problem- In case of stone problem, it is advised to mix lemon juice and Sindhav salt in water and drink it. This remedy dissolves the stone. But consult a specialist before doing this treatment.

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