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Jan 24, 2020

How to share instagram link

Social media is a tricky place. You may have noticed when viewing the Instagram stories of popular people and brands, they often include links.

In ab Instagram story, an option at the bottom appears to See More and swiping up reveals a new webpage.
 You may often be scrolling through the main Instagram feed and see some sponsored posts with official links underneath the image.
When Instagram released clickable links in Stories, they only allowed verified accounts to participate.
But, as of early 2017, Instagram Business profiles with over 10,000 followers now have access to this feature. (According to Instagram, they are still testing this, so don’t give up hope just yet!)
For those with verified accounts or Business profiles (with 10,000+ followers), adding a clickable link to your Story is a surefire way to drive traffic to your website or blog.

Easy step by step

  1. Open your web browser.
  2. Go to For example, if the username is “johnsmith,” type in as the URL.
  3. Click the post you want to save and copy the link at the top of your browser.

How do you add a link to an Instagram Story?

Now that you’re convinced inserting links in your Stories post is the way to go, how do you actually add them? What steps should you take?
Remember that in order to use this feature, your Instagram account must be a business profile and have over 10,000 followers.
Instagram definitely has no shortage of features that enable you to stay in touch with the online world. You can share everything from pictures and videos to text and voice messages.

Here’s how to add a link to your Instagram Story in 3 simple steps:

  1. Create an Instagram Story post
  2. Click the chain icon in the top right corner.
  3. Enter the URL and upload your Story.
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