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Sep 14, 2020

Courses from 9th to 12th will be cut 30%, students will be taught a 100% course

 Courses from 9th to 12th will be cut 30%, students will be taught a 100% course

Std 9 to 12  are 30% cut will be completed in the course, students will be taught a 100% course, but no questions will be asked in the exam from the cut course

Sexually transmitted disease. 30% cut will be finished in ninth to twelfth course, understudies will be shown 100% course, yet no inquiries will be posted in the test from the cut course 

The training division has arranged an arrangement including school courses, occasions, and get-away days, which might be declared soon. 

Courses up to 30% can be cut in Std. 9 to 12 schools partnered to Gujarat Board. This 30% course will be deducted just in the event that it isn't identified with the following norm. The slice off-kilter should be educated by the educators, however, no inquiries will be posted from this course in the assessment. 

All course educators will likewise need to show just to grant information to the understudies. Likewise, public occasions and get-away days might be diminished to make up for the scholarly days. Schools that used to run for a large portion of a day on Saturdays after the beginning of disconnected schools will presently run full time. This implies school hours will be the equivalent from Monday to Saturday. 

As indicated by sources, after the CBSE choice, the Gujarat Board likewise reported a decrease in the course, however, framed an advisory group of board authorities to choose the amount to diminish the course. The panel introduced three models, delineating the course to be taken if schools start in August, on the off chance that they start in September, and in the event that they start in October. 

Std. 30% cut will be completed in the 9th to 12th course, students will be taught a 100% course, but no questions will be asked in the exam from the cut course

After rehashed gatherings with the board authorities and the training clergyman, all the authorities had asked the instruction priest to diminish the course by 30 percent, yet the instruction serves educated that the section for which we slice the assessment would need to be instructed by the educators. With the goal that the understudy doesn't get in a difficult situation later on. A declaration in such a manner might be made by the Chief Minister's Office soon. 

The board test could be held in April 

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Read in Gujarati  Full Report Click here 

Consistently the load up tests are held in the initial 15 days of March, yet in 2021 the load up tests will begin in late March or early April, so understudies and educators have sufficient opportunity to rehash alongside the instructing work. 

Arrangements will be made to finish the course toward the finish of the scholarly year 

As per sources, satisfactory watchfulness will be kept up to guarantee that courses are finished in every norm during the scholastic year, considering the decrease in courses and the count of scholarly days. Plans have been made to finish the seminar based on siestas and excursion days as it were. Sources said that educators have been told to show understudies so that they have sufficient opportunity to rehash.

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