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Oct 28, 2020

Parents will be able to decide whether to send their children to school in the state, preparation for opening schools with these 4 issues.

Parents will be able to decide whether to send their children to school in the state, preparation for opening schools with these 4 issues.

While schools have been closed since March due to the Koro epidemic, sources said the state government had finally decided to start schools after Diwali, i.e. from November 8. Physical schools will be started but online education will also continue. In which parents will be given the option, whether they want to send their children to school or teach online.

According to sources, there will be strict adherence to the social distance in starting schools. Students' attendance at school will also be kept at 50% on any given day. That is, students will be called to the school in turn. Suppose most parents want to send their children to school, but only 20% of children will be admitted to the school on that day.

 It may be mentioned here that a round of meetings has been completed to consult with the school administrators. A series of meetings are going on with all the people concerned. Recently a meeting was held between the top officials of the state education department and the officials of the health department on the matter of starting schools.

In the first phase, it is quite possible to start Std. 9 to 12 and also from 6 to 8

Sources have said that the education department will start Std. 9 to 12 schools in the first phase. However, along with high school, schools of standard 6 to 8 will also be started in the primary section. Because, upper primary and higher secondary schools, teachers, and students are all three different.

Therefore, the Department of Education has made full preparations to start upper primary schools as well. However, classes from Std. 1 to 8 will not be started until the condition of Corona has completely subsided.

50% of attendance will be demanded

As per the rules of the education department, it is mandatory for a child to have 50% attendance in school. But this year the rule will be scrapped. The decision to send children to school in schools starting after the day will be taken by the parents and not the teacher or the principal. Apart from this, 90 percent attendance is not possible as students have to be called to the school from time to time.

Schools should not be blamed if a student is infected: Administrators

The opinion being expressed by the administrators regarding the commencement of schools is that the commencement of schools is welcome. But schools should not be blamed if a student becomes infected.

Preparing to open schools with these four issues

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Government plans to start schools from November 23

Planning to start classes 9 to 12 in the first phase and 6 to 8 in the primary

Even if the parents are ready to send their children to school, only 30 percent entry will be given every day

Only the parents can decide whether to send the child to school or not

Excerpts from SoP's draft of starting schools

Parents will be able to decide whether to send their children to school in the state, preparation for opening schools with these 4 issues.
Parents will be able to decide whether to send their children to school in the state, preparation for opening schools with these 4 issues.

Mandatory arrangement of hygiene and sanitation in the school

Maintain a distance of 5 feet between baby seating arrangements

Adherence to the social distance in students during school entry and exit

Adhere to the social distance in transporting children to and from school

Strict adherence to government guidelines

Administrators will have to call different classes of students at different times

A separate weekly calendar for each class for attendance

The student cannot be compelled to attend school compulsorily

Schools with a large number of students will have to make two short shifts

Schools will also have to reduce teaching time to less than 5 hours

No school ceremonies, gatherings, or meetings

Meetings with parents must also be done online

All the rules and protocols of the guideline must be followed if any student or staff in the school comes up with a positive corona.

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