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Dec 20, 2020

Plant these special plants at home, there will be a rain of money and luck will shine

Plant these special plants at home, there will be a rain of money and luck will shine

On the one hand, global warming has caused the temperature to rise. On the other hand, it has also damaged the environment. Then some plants help to keep the air clean. 

Not only that, planting some plants at home brings economic benefits as well as peace of mind. It is beneficial to plant each plant in the right direction and place it according to the object and feng shui. Find out the right place to plant if you want to reap the benefits.

Nowadays, whether people have a garden in their house or not, everyone prefers to plant indoor plants. It can also decorate the house as well as give a fresh and eco-friendly touch.

 Indoor planting does not take up so much space in the house so that any house, big or small, can plant. At the same time, planting some plants according to Vastu and Feng Shui definitely benefits.

Plant these special plants at home

Often we do not find success even after working hard. And sometimes you don't even get the right price, salary, or economic progress. 

If we incorporate Vastu and some of the things mentioned in feng shui into our lives, it will surely help in overcoming the economic hardship and negativity that pervades life. So let us know about some of the plants that you can plant in your home to achieve economic prosperity and happiness.

1. Plant money

Plant these special plants at home

Everyone knows that the money plant is a symbol of wealth but people do not know in which direction this plant will benefit. That is why planting a plant in the right direction in the house gives economic growth.

 Planting a money plant in the southeast direction of the house i.e. in the fire corner gives you the benefits associated with wealth. 

Money plants should never be planted in the northeast corner of the house. This plant should not be planted even outside the house. Planting a money plant gives positive energy. But putting it outside the house brings in the negative energy from outside.

2. Snake plant

Plant these special plants at home

The leaves of the snake plant are long, scaly, and green. There are special benefits for planting these plants. It purifies the air inside the house, as well as helps in increasing economic prosperity. If you are in business, you must plant these plants. 

This plant is also helpful in business development. This is a plant that releases more oxygen. Planting these plants also improves sleep. Planting these plants gives positive energy. Planting in the southeast direction of the house gives proper benefits.

3. Jade plant

Plant these special plants at home

The jade plant is considered a symbol of good luck, prosperity, and success. These plants should be planted mainly near the entrance of the house. 

The leaves of this plant are oval in shape. Planting this plant at home eliminates mental illnesses. At the same time, mental ability and constriction increase.

 These plants can increase the productivity of any man by up to 15 percent. According to a study, this type of home-grown plant helps control blood pressure and promotes heart health.

 According to research, these indoor plants add sweetness to relationships. The white flowers in the plants enhance the positivity and love in the mind of the beholder. This plant is also known as 'Crassula'.

4. Lucky bamboo plant

Plant these special plants at home

This type of bamboo plant is considered very auspicious in feng shui. That is why it is a very popular gift-giving plant. However, after grooming the plant, it soon starts to turn yellow, or its growth stops. 

There are a few tips to keep in mind for a bamboo plant to grow well. Giving this plant adequate light and drinking water periodically will make it grow very nicely and its sticks will not turn yellow. If this plant dries out it is considered unfortunate. The plant can be planted in the east and south-east.

5. Areca Palm

Plant these special plants at home

ગુજરાતી માં વાંચવા અહી ક્લિક કરો

Areca page is known as a plant that gives money and positivity. These plants create a positive atmosphere around the house. At the same time, these plants purify the air and also maintain health. 

At the same time, Areca palm is a plant that converts carbon dioxide into oxygen indoors. Its length is not even longer. So that it can be easily installed indoors as well. These plants should be kept near the window to the south or west.

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