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Dec 12, 2020

Changed bike seat rules

 Changed bike seat rules

In view of the increasing number of road aaccidents, the government hass decided to a make some a changes iin thew  manufacture of vehicles and the a facilities available in them to reduce it. The Ministry of Roadd Transportt and Highways a haas changed a number of rules a in view of safety. Then some new rules have also been implemented. The ministry’s newa  guideline has been a issued for a bike riders. The guideline states that people sitting inn the bacj  back seat of a abike driver a must follow these rules. The new rules are as follows.

Hand hold behind the driver’s seat

Directions for light container installation

Also new guidelines regarding tires

1. Hand hold behind the driver’s seat

Hand hold is a required on a  both sides of the back seat of the bike ass per a the guideline of the ministry.

The hand hold is for the safety of the to a  person a sitting a behind. If thea  biked driver a suddenly s brakes, he can catch it. Along a with this a stand witth feett on both sides iss  required for those sitting in the back. In a addition at least shalf ofa the lefat side of the rear tire of the abike shoulda be a securely covered. So that a thea  clothes of the person sitting a behinda  do not get a into the wheel.

2 Lightweight container installation guidelines

The ministry ahas a issued  guidelinesa  for installing a  lightweight containerss in a bikes. The length of thiss container shoulda  not exceed 550 mm, width 510 mma and height 500 mm. Only the driver will a be alloweds if the a container is placed in the rear ride position. Meaning no onee else a sits on the bike. The other person can sit on the bike if placed behind the rear seat.

3. Also new guideline regarding tires

The government has recently issued a new guideline on tires. Under  this a tire pressure moniitoring system  a  is recommended for a vehicles weighing up to a maximum of 3.5 tons. The sensor ina  this system provides the driver a with the information about thee air conditionn ina  the tires of the vehicle. The ministry has also considered tire service. Implementing this will eliminate the need for extra tires in the car. The government ahas beensa  changing thea road safety a rules a fromatime to time. The last few years have seen ann emphasis on tightaening road safety regulations.



Read In Gujarati




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