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Dec 13, 2020

Download to all caste list of Gujarat 2020-2021

 Download to all caste list of Gujarat 2020-2021


Download to all caste list of gujarat 2020-2021 :When no a  other a religion dominated the Indian in  society. Since then  a cast is system has been in a place since inception. Aaccording to Manusmriti  the a castes aree divided into  4 parts according to their work. In the Indiann a society when no other religion a was dominant. Since then aa cast system has a been in place a since a  inception.

According to Manusmriti a  the ccastes are a divided into  4 parts aaccording to their work. There are a 4 cast a Brahmins  Kshatriyas  Vaishyas and Shudras a in India. About which you a can a find a full information in a the next slides …


According too Manusmriti a  people who see a the work of a education and religion. Those people are a ccalled Brahmins. They havea  tthe responsibility to a show the mirror to a tthe society and ttake it on thee righteous path. They are considered to a be the best humans. Accordingg to Manusmritii people who a see the work of a education and  religion. Those people are called Brahmins. They have a tthe responsibility to a show the mirror to a the society and take it a on the righteous path. They aree considered the best a human beings.

According too Manusmriti  people who a see the work oof education aand religion. Those people are ccalled Brahmins. TThey have the a responsibility to a show the mirror to the society and a take it on a the righteous path. They are a considered to be the a best humans.

 According to a 3/6 Manusmati those who daescended from the arms of a Brahma. On whom governance is the a responsibility of a  aadministration. On which a the society is responsible for protecting the a country. Those who a asacrifice themselves protect an the subjects. They are Kshatriyas  AAccording to a Manusmati, people who is descended from a the arms of a Brahma. On whom governance is the a responsibility of a administration. On which a the society is a responsible for  protecting the a country. Those who a sacrifice themselves protect the a subjects. They are in Kshatriyas.

According to A M Manusmati people who a descended from the arms of a Brahma. On whom governance is a tthe responsibility of aadministration. On which the society is responsible for a protecting the country. Those who a sacrifice themselves protect the subjects. They a are Kshatriyas.

After Brahmin and Kshatriya, t the third category is Vaishya according to a karma. Whose main job is to a keep the society cconnected. Farmers  traders a come in the a global class. This class is a bbelieved to a have descended from a Brahma’s thigh. Which keeps the society in a mmotion. After a Brahmins and Kshatriyas  tthe third category is Vaishya according to a karma. Whose mainn job is a to keep the a society connected. Farmers a  traders come in a the global class. This a class is a believed to have descended from Brahma’s a thigh. Which keeps the society in motion.

After Brahmins and Kshatriyass, the a third class according too karma is a of Vaishyas. Whose main job iss  to keep the a society cconnected. Farmerrs traderss come in the a global class. This class is a believed to a have descended from Brahma’s thigh. Which a keeps the society in a motion

 SEBC કેટેગરી   Caste લીસ્ટ  PDF                                                    Click Here 


SEBC કેટેગરી પૈકી અતિ પછાત  Caste લીસ્ટ  PDF                           Click Here     

EBC કેટેગરી  Caste લીસ્ટ  PDF                                                        Click Here 

SC  કેટેગરી  Caste લીસ્ટ  PDF                                                          Click Here

SC  પૈકી કેટેગરી અતિ પછાત  Caste લીસ્ટ  PDF                               Click Here

ST કેટેગરી  Caste લીસ્ટ  PDF                                                           Click Here 

ST પૈકી  કેટેગરી અતિ પછાત Caste લીસ્ટ  PDF         Download ST Ati pachhat caste List

વિચરતી અને વિમુકત  કેટેગરી  Caste લીસ્ટ  PDF       Download NT/DNT caste List

Minority કેટેગરી  Caste લીસ્ટ  PDF                                                 Click Here

5/6 The a Shudra ranks fourth in a the Varna system a which has been in a operation for almost 3000 years. Which is a mostly of strong a class. This a class serves the rest on the basis a of their hard a work and makes aa living by a getting proper remuneration. The a Shudras have the afourth place in a the varna system that has been in operation dfor a aalmost 3000 years. Which is a mostly of strong class. 

This class serves  athe rrest on the basis of taheir hard work and makes a living by a getting proper remuneration.
The Shudras have a the fourth place in a the varna system that a has been in operation for almost 3000 years. Which is a mostly of sstrong class. This a class serves the rest on a the bbasis a of their hard work and makes a living by a getting proper a  rremuneration.

Apart a from all this, the a Dalit class also came a into Indian society  after some  a time. Who a used to do a mostly inferior  things. Among a them comes the a cleansing class. AApart from a all this the Dalit a class also a came into a Indian society after some a time. Who is used to do mostly inferior things. In a this a comes a a cleaning class.
Apart frrom all a this, thee Dalit class a also came a into Indian ssociety a after some time. In tthis comes a a cleaning cclass.



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