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Jan 26, 2021

The central government has taken this step by giving a big relief to the pensioners

 The central government has taken this step by giving a big relief to the pensioners, PPO

The central government has given a big relief to the pensioners on the occasion of the new year. Pensioners will no longer have to wander for a Pension Payment (PPO) order. Not only this, if required, the pensioner himself will also be able to get a print out of the PPO at the click of a button. 

During the lockdown, pensioners were particularly disturbed by the PPO. Not only that, when PPO is required during the change in pension, the documents cannot be simplified. It is a big step like the central government to make PPO electronic to remove the hassle.

central government has taken this step by giving a big relief to the pensioners, PPO

Copies are often misplaced

Labor, Public Grievances and Pensions Minister Dr. Jitendra Singh said that the pension department often has to hear complaints from senior citizens that the original copy of their pension order was often misplaced. Pensioners, especially older pensioners, face many difficulties in these situations, but the recently introduced electronic PPO will make life easier for senior citizens.

Having trouble

He congratulated the officials of the Pension Department who have successfully implemented electronic PPO during the Kovid epidemic. This came as a boon to many retired officers and employees who had retired during the lockdown and who were having difficulty obtaining hard copies of their PPOs in person.

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What are pension payment orders

Retired Chief Treasury Officer OP Singh said that whenever an officer or employee is retired, he created one of his PPOs. The PPO goes to the treasury office and the pension is declared on its basis. Not only that, whenever the government increases the pension in any way, there is a need for PPO. Sometimes PPOs get lost among the documents and are not easily found,

 but after this initiative of the Central Government, now the Pensioner Welfare Department has decided to integrate the generated electronic PPO with the DG-Locker through CGA's PFMS application. This makes it easy for pensioners to get the instant print out of the latest copy of their PPO from Digi-Locker account.

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