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Mar 17, 2021

Starting the first examination of 9 to 12 students, the student living in the contents zone will be able to give exams later

 Examination: Std from March 19th. Starting the first examination of 9 to 12 students, the student living in the contents zone will be able to give exams later

Std on March 19th between the rising cases of the corona. The first examination of the students of 9 to 12

Students living in the contents zone will then be able to give the exam

On the next 19th March, the first examination of students of standard 9 to 12 is held on March 27. However, between the increased cases of coronavirus, the district education officer has declared a circular. Accordingly, the exams of students living in the contents zone due to Corona will be re-drawn new question papers by the school. And if a school is in the contents zone, then it can organize the examination after being released from the contents zone.

In the educational interest of children giving exams

Due to Corona, the study of students has a lot of impacts, but the examination for the evaluation should be necessary, the examination is being organized with caution. In addition to March 19 March March 19, the examination of the internal evaluation and class promotion is taken for calculations. Giving this exam is in children's academic interests, but due to corona, the district education officer BN to re-organize the exam in the contents zone area for injustice not to injustice. Relaxation by Rajagar has been given.

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Paripatra Of Education Department  

80 marks will be the question paper

The annual examination of standard 9 and 11 will be 80 marks of the question papers, while the first examination will be 50 marks and 20 marks of internal evaluation. Offline education was off due to corona. Now when the educational work is going on, a few days ago, the state's education department and the education board examination also declared planning, in which the first examination of the standard 9 to 12 will be held during March 19 and 27, and the annual examination will be held between June 7th June.

મોટા સમાચાર/ 4 મહાનગરોમાં કોરોનાનું સંક્રમણ વધે તો પરીક્ષા વ્યવસ્થામાં થઈ શકે છે ફેરફાર, થશે ટોપલેવલની બેઠક

30 percent of the currents were reduced by the board

The schools will have to take the first semester and annual examination their own way. When 30% of the curriculum has been reduced by the Board, 30% of the curriculum declared by the board, according to the 70% course declared by the board, and the new question paper will have to take the exam. The second semester tested in the current academic year. Since the second session exam is not only this year, the first assessment of the first assessment will be to put the cullets.

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