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Jun 22, 2021



Gujarat has the most elevated number of towns with a populace of more than 300 in the neighborhood with the arrangement of Std: 1 to 1 elementary schools with 6.03%. Nearby up to 1 km from such neighborhood, the level of towns with standard: 1 to 4-grade school offices is 98.32%. 

In the field of Higher Primary Education (Standard: 5 to 7 Primary Education) Gujarat 0 94.48% of the number of inhabitants in Gujarat has been given the office of elementary schools having Std: 5 to 7 inside a distance of 5 km from the local location. Gujarat positions second just to Delhi among every one of the provinces of India (with the exception of Union Territories) in giving schools up to standard seven. 

There are 16,662 towns in Gujarat with a populace of at least 500. Out of which 92.30% of the towns have been given the office of grade schools comprising of the standard: 5 to 7 in a space up to 3 km from the neighborhood. In the field of pre-essential instruction, Gujarat has a sum of 19,672 kindergarten-Anganwadi organizations for giving pre-essential training in Gujarat, out of which 2,247 kindergarten Anganwadis are situated in country regions. 

Aside from this, another 1404 organizations giving pre-essential instruction in Gujarat run pre-essential office and essential division together. An aggregate of 14,52,361 kids are getting pre-essential instruction in Gujarat. In which Gujarat positions second in the entirety of India. Youngsters getting essential instruction in Gujarat: According to the sixth All India Educational Survey, 78.82% of the kids tried out the principal standard in Gujarat get training up to the fourth norm, while 10.32% o.f the kids get up to the seventh norm 


ધોરણ-૧૦ અને ધોરણ-૧૨ના વિજ્ઞાન પ્રવાહ અને સામાન્ય પ્રવાહના રીપીટર, ખાનગી અને પૃથ્થક ઉમેદવારોની પરીક્ષા યોજવા બાબત 

Today Paripatra New Press Note 

Std 10 and 12 Repeater Student Exam Time Table 

ઘોરણ-૧૦/૧૨ રીપીટર/ખાનગી/પુથ્થક ઉમેદવારો માટેની પરીક્ષાનું ટાઈમ ટેબલ જુલાઈ - ૨૦૨૧ નું જોવા માટે અહીં કિલક કરો. 

Guj Cat Exam Notification 

નોટિફિકેશન જોવા માટે અહીં ક્લિક કરો.

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