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Sep 28, 2021




 Madhya Gujarat Vij Company Limited a Power Distribution Company of erstwhile 

Gujarat Electricity Board having Offices at different locations in Central Gujarat 
invites applications for the post of “CHAIRPERSON, CONSUMER GRIEVANCE 
1. Qualification:
Candidate shall be (i) a retired district judge/a retired senior judicial Officer, or
(ii) a retired civil servant not below the rank of Collector, or (iii) a retired 
Electrical Engineer not below the rank of Superintending Engineer or equivalent 
and having atleast twenty (20) years of experience, with adequate knowledge of 
power sector. Experience related to consumer affairs will be preferred. The 
candidate shall preferably have working knowledge of the vernacular language of 
state of Gujarat i.e. Gujarati. 
2. Age limit: 
 Below 65 years
3. Job Description:
Chairperson shall have general powers of superintendence and control over the 
Forum. It shall be seen by the Chairperson that the Forum acts as per GERC 
The Forum shall hold atleast one sitting in a week on a specific day for redressal 
of MGVCL consumer grievances who approach the Forum. Forum shall have 
jurisdictions within the area of supply of districts by MGVCL.
4. Remuneration:
The remuneration shall be Rs. 5000/- per sitting along with to and fro 
transportation facility. 
Terms and Conditions: 
1. The appointment shall be purely on contractual basis initially for a period of 
three years which can be further extended for one year each two times subject 
to approval of the Commission.
2. Chairperson of the Forum shall be person of experience, ability, integrity and 
3. No person shall be eligible to be appointed as Chairperson of the Forum if he/she
has been in the service of MGVCL at any time during preceding – Two (02) years 
from the date of occurrence of such vacancy for which the appointment is to be 
MGVCL shall submit a panel of two names found suitable for the selection of 
Chairperson of the Forum to the Commission for its consideration. The 
Commission may approve one of the candidates from the said panel after 
interaction with the candidates suggested by the MGVCL and send it to the 
MGVCL for appointment. In the event, if the Commission does not find the 
candidates selected by the MGVCL suitable for the post, the Commission may ask 
the Licensee for re-invitation of the applications. MGVCL shall appoint the 
candidate approved by the Commission as Chairperson of the Forum.
5. By virtue of any appointment as a member of CGRF of a distribution licensee, 
the person shall not claim to be a permanent employee of that Distribution 
6. The Chairperson shall hold Office for a term of Three (03) years from the date 
he/she enters upon his office. 
7. Chairperson shall not hold office for more than five years or after attaining the 
age of sixty five (65 years), whichever is earlier.
8. No person shall be appointed and/or be entitled to continue as a Chairperson if 
he/she stands disqualified on account of his/her: 
A. Having being adjudged an insolvent. 
B. Having been convicted of an offence which in the opinion of the licensee, 
involves moral turpitude. 
C. Having become physically or mentally incapable of acting as a member. 
D. Having acquired such financial or other interests as is likely to affect 
prejudicially his/her functioning as a Chairperson. 
E. Having so abused his/her position as to render his/her continuance in 
Office prejudicial to the public interest. 
F. Having been guilty of proved misbehavior. 
9. The management reserves the right to shortlist, select or reject any candidate. 
10. Incomplete applications or application without enclosures shall be rejected. 
11. Photocopies of all educational and experience certificates must be attached 
alongwith the application form.
12. The last date for submission of applications is dt.14.10.2021. Applications 
received thereafter shall not be considered. 
13. MGVCL shall not be responsible for any postal loss/delay of receipt of 

14. Mere submission of application does not guarantee the adequacy of candidature 
for being considered for further selection process.
15. Application should be on A4 sized paper only. 
16. Subsequently, the original certificates should be produced for verification as 
and when required.
17. Canvassing in any form shall debar the candidate from further selection. 
List of documents to be submitted:
1) Application Form, duly filled along with one passport size photograph, affixed 
on the space provided on the application form.
2) Detailed Resume.
3) Attested copy of:
 Two passport size photographs.
 School leaving certificate or any other Birth Proof.
 Mark sheets of all education qualification.
 Degree certificate of all education qualification.

Candidates meeting the above criteria may send their applications as per the 
Performa attached with recent passport size photographs and photo copies of 
documents of qualifications, age, and experience, and details of present job profile 
on or before Date: 14.10.2021 on following address by RPAD only duly mentioning 
on envelope (applications sent through speed post/ courier or any other means 
except RPAD shall not be considered).

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