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Oct 11, 2021

Learn about dengue, chickenpox and malaria


 Learn about dengue, chickenpox and malaria


 Learn about dengue, chickenpox and malaria

Reduce mosquito infestation, prevent waterlogging around the house and in the house, keep water in the cooler empty, spray insecticide, use mosquito agarbati and insecticide vaporizer.

Dengue Fever: Fact Sheet

Dengue fever is a viral disease, transmitted by the mosquito Aedes aegypti, Aedes albopitus.

In addition to dengue, ADC mosquitoes spread chickenpox, yellow fever and Zika viral infections.

50 50% of the world's population is at risk of contracting the disease.

Severe type of dengue called dengue hemorrhagic fever is fatal.

Four types of dengue virus have been researched. These include DEN-1, DEN-2, DEN-3 and DEN-4, which give a lifelong immunity to a patient who has been infected with the virus.

• 390 million people have been infected with dengue, this dengue infection is from 128 countries. Of these 390 million dengue infected people, 96 million are infected.

According to another estimate, 5 lakh people in the world are hospitalized due to severe dengue. And 2.5 percent of these cases have been found to be fatal. Symptoms of viral fever appear in the body about 4 to 10 days after a mosquito bite.

Diagnosis of Dengue:

Tests for the diagnosis of this disease are readily available in our country.

Dengue NS-1 antigen and dengue antibody are tested.

The best test for dengue virus Dengue virus PCR is also available there as it gives us a diagnosis on the first day. Which test is expensive.

• Blood cell count needs to be done repeatedly in the second routine test. In which the platelets i.e. platelet count continues to decrease, leukocytes decrease and hemoconcentration occurs and hemoglobin appears to increase. This is commonly seen in every patient.

Dengue Prevention

Reduce mosquito infestation, prevent waterlogging around the house and in the house, keep the water in the cooler empty, spray insecticide, use mosquito agarbati and insecticide vaporizer.

Wear adequate body covering, apply replant on the body.

Dispose of waste well.

It is advisable to seek treatment as soon as the symptoms of dengue appear as per the doctor's advice.

Symptoms of Dengue:

• Severely high fever, headache, nausea, muscle and bone pain, nausea, vomiting, red rashes on the skin.

• Dengue Hemorrhagic fever Bleeding anywhere in the body - such as blood in the urine, blood in the toilet, snoring, vomiting - is found in this extreme type of dengue. Which can be fatal. This type of patient is admitted to the ICU.

Treatment of Dengue:

Primarily in the treatment of this virus is to control the symptoms.

It is necessary to control fever, maintain body hydration, control vomiting / nausea and treat according to the symptoms.

No antivirus has been detected to kill the virus.

The vaccine to control the virus is being researched by the Dengvaxia Sanofi Laboratory and in African countries where dengue outbreaks are found in more than 70% of perennials. Come in use there.

Chikangunya: Facts of Cikangunya

Chikungunya is a viral disease. Which is mainly caused by the bite of a mosquito called Aedes.

The main symptoms of chickenpox are fever, joint pain and swelling, muscle aches, body aches.

oint pain and swelling - mainly causes more discomfort to the patient and can last a long time even after the fever is gone.

There is no cure for this disease which can kill the virus. For general treatment only the most useful is considered. Medications for pain control, maintaining body hydration, and the type of symptoms and signs

Treat it accordingly.

The disease is more harmful to older people, pregnant women, and people with chronic heart disease, kidney, liver, lung diseases, cancer, diabetes.Controlling mosquito infestation is the most important thing.

The mosquitoes that spread the disease usually bite during the day. And the disease mainly occurs during the monsoon or in the following months.Disease occurs 4 to 8 days after mosquito bites.

સSerological tests for the diagnosis of this disease include IgM antibody and Chikungunya virus PCR test.

Highest Highest levels of Chikungunya IgM antibody are seen in 3 to 5 weeks. And may be present in the blood for about 2 months,There should be no flooding in and around the house to prevent this disease from occurring.

• Wear puri bayana, apply repellent cream on exposed parts of the body, use of mosquito net is beneficial. Mosquito incense sticks and insecticide vaporizers are also useful for mosquito control.

• Chikungunya disease has been rampant in our country since 2005. In order to control it, we have to be vigilant and keep the mosquito infestation under control so that this can be prevented.

Important link::

dengue, chickenpox and malaria info PDF

read in gujrati about dengue, chickenpox and malaria 

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Read News Report

Reduce calories in this way without going hungry

Increase water intake: According to research published in the National Library of Medicine, drinking about 2 liters of water per day can burn an extra 96 ​​calories. Many researches have proved that water controls your weight.

Eat more protein, it improves digestion: According to research published in PubMed Central, protein increases the metabolic rate as well as reduces appetite.

Identify Liquid Calories: The brain cannot easily identify the calories taken in the form of liquid. Soda, juice, chocolate, milk and other sugary drinks provide more calories to the body. Avoid it.

Women need 2,000 calories and men 2600 calories: According to the Food and Drug Administration in the United States, an average active woman aged 26-50 needs 2,000 calories per day to maintain weight. While an average active 26-45 year old man needs about 2600 calories per day.

Here are 5 things you should know about obesity

1. Just gaining weight is not obesity

Consultant Bariatric Surgeon of Jaslok Hospital, Mumbai, Dr. According to Sanjay Borude, obesity can be checked in three ways. The first method measures the weight of fat in the body, muscles, bones and water present in the body. Second Body Mass Index. The third way is to look at the size of the buttocks and waist. This test shows if you are an obese person..

2. It is the root of diseases

In general, obesity is the root cause of most diseases. Fat is the cause of diabetes, blood pressure, joint pain and cancer. When fat increases, it increases in every part of the body. Hormones released from fat cause harm. Therefore, every organ of the body is affected by it. For example, pancreatic fat diabetes, kidney fat blood pressure, fat accumulated around the heart are the causes of heart disease.

3. Obesity increases in two ways

Obesity increases for two reasons. The first is genetics i.e. obesity derived from family history. Second, there is increasing obesity due to external causes. For example, eat more foods that are fried or high in calories. Such as, fast and junk food. Obesity is also caused by not burning calories in people who have a sitting job.

4. Understand simple ways to reduce it

Obesity can be easily reduced by walking for 30 minutes every day, climbing stairs, eating light meals at night and doing household chores. This is necessary because it is harmful to the body as well as the brain.

5. Make small changes in diet

Eat sprouted grains for breakfast. That means consume more mugs, chickpeas and soybeans. Doing this increases the amount of nutrients in it in the body. Include seasonal green vegetables in the diet. Avoid high fat milk, butter and cheese.


Like to know for malaria

• Malaria is a disease transmitted by female Anopheles mosquitoes / Plasmodium parasites inside the mosquito give birth to the disease.

• P. vivax and p. Felciperum is found mainly.

• Within 2016, 216 million malaria cases were reported in 91 countries.

• By 2016, 4.45 million people had died of malaria, according to WHO research.

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