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Dec 26, 2021

booster dose be taken among the risks of Omicron

 When should a booster dose be taken among the risks of Omicron? Find out what the experts are saying

Booster Dosage: Booster Dosage will start from January 10 in India. Booster doses will be given to frontline workers and health workers first. Amidst the dangers of Omicron, a booster dose is required.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi has announced that booster doses of precautionary measures for health workers and frontline workers will be introduced from January 10. People over the age of 60 who have the disease will be able to get a precautionary dose on the advice of a doctor from January 10.

Dr. Rashes Ila's tweet-

On this, India Biotech's Clinical Lead Doctor Rashes Alla tweeted that a booster dose has been announced in India. After the second dose of the vaccine, the third dose is more effective at longer intervals as it produces longer plasma and memory cells i.e. the immune system lasts longer.

When is the right time to take a booster dose?

In his tweet, Dr. Rashes Ila said that the interval of booster dose after 6 months of second dose is ideal. This will also help reduce the risk of Omicron.

When will children be vaccinated?

Know that the corona vaccination of children will start from 3rd January. Children aged 15 to 18 will be vaccinated. Addressing the nation, PM Modi made a big announcement and said that nose and DNA vaccines are coming to the country soon.

It is noteworthy that the number of Omicron cases in the country has crossed four hundred. Maharashtra has the highest number of 110 patients and Delhi has 79 cases so far. PM Modi said that 141 crore doses of vaccine have been given in the country. 90% of adults in the country have taken the first dose. Experts believe that the omicron variant of the Corona is less dangerous than the Delta but caution is needed.

How to register children?

Currently, according to the system in the country, registration has to be done on the Covin app. Slots are then available. At present, nothing has been clarified about the vaccination of children. Aadhar card number will have to be given during slot booking on the app. There are many children who do not have Aadhaar cards. A separate center for children is likely to be set up. Many front liners in the country are reaching out to villages, mahallas, and farms to get vaccinated. In such cases, it is likely that children will be vaccinated at home or that children who attend school will be vaccinated at school to avoid the risk of infection.

Vaccinations for people over 18 years of age were delayed by up to 90 days. In the meantime, it had declined. Vaccination for children is starting on January 3. According to experts, if children take the test in March-April, the date of their second dose may be approaching and even if one dose is taken, they can be largely protected from infection.

Omicron ના જોખમો વચ્ચે ક્યારે લેવો જોઈએ બૂસ્ટર ડોઝ? જાણો શું કહી રહ્યાં છે નિષ્ણાતો

What will be the cost of vaccination for children?

The country currently has a free and fixed-rate vaccination system. Some people are getting vaccinated by going to the centers set up by the government while some people are getting vaccinated by paying money in private hospitals. In such a situation it is possible to have both arrangements for children.

What are booster doses and precautionary doses?

Intensive churning is going on on the booster dose between Omicron. Addressing the nation on the evening of December 25, PM Modi used the term 'precautionary dose' instead of 'booster dose'. Now the question is whether these two are the same or different. After the PM's address, the country's renowned doctor Naresh Trehan said that Modi had termed booster dose as only prevention dose. Its main purpose is to boost the immune system.

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