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Jul 19, 2022

NASA will monitor dust in The Earth’s atmosphere from 400 km altitude, mission will be launched today

 NASA will monitor dust in The Earth’s atmosphere from 400 km altitude, mission will be launched today

The US space agency NASA is going to launch a new charge moment on the rocket of Elon Musk’s company SpaceX. The objective of the Earth Surface Mineral Dust Origin Investigation Mission( EMIT) is to look at the reaction of dust on the Earth’s climate. This trial will be carried out from the International Space Station( IIS). SpaceX’s Dragon spacecraft will fly to IIS from the launch point at the Kennedy Space Center in Florida and will supply outfit to the crew. 

Report According to the report, the Dragon spacecraft will carry further than 5,800 pounds of weight, including a variety of NASA- related particulars similar as EMIT. It'll identify the composition of mineral dust from the thirsty regions of the Earth and dissect the dust present in the desert terrain to find out how it affects the Earth. This will help NASA to cover climate change. 

The intention of this mission is to know about the shape of minerals, due to which dust is formed in the air. NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory( JPL) said in a statement in May that due to this the rainfall could be affected. It can melt the ice from our earth. Not only this, dust can also travel a great gap in our atmosphere. Scientists had said that dust patches forming from North Africa can travel thousands of long hauls around the world. 

Researchers have spent decades mapping dust pathways to more understand climate change models. But he couldn't yet understand the structure of the patches. Overall, the purpose of EMIT is to learn how dust warms or cools our earth and how it changes over time. To know all this, further would be demanded to know about the composition of the dust. 

EMIT will be stationed at the International Space Station. It'll collude the sources of mineral dust from an altitude of 250 miles (400 km). The instrument is fitted with a spectrometer, which breaks the sun reflected off the Earth into different colours. This will help in understanding the configuration of dust. EMIT will be suitable to see about 80 km of land area at a time. During the mission, it'll also keep an eye on the changes taking place in these areas.

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