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Feb 10, 2023

A trained pilot blows different types of horns

 A trained pilot blows different types of horns: Each horn has a different meaning, did you know?

Train Horn: Have you ever thought that there are 11 ways to sound a train horn? You may be surprised to know that each horn has a different meaning. Let's find out what kind of horn means what.

You must have heard the train horn. Trains also sound the horn while running on the track from the railway station. By the way, the purpose of honking any vehicle is to alert bystanders, so that they realize that a vehicle is coming. But when it comes to trains, the meaning of the horn is not limited to just warning people. Have you ever thought that there are 11 ways to sound a train horn? You may be surprised to know that each horn has a different meaning. Let's find out what kind of horn means what.

short horn

You may be surprised to know that train loco pilots blow 11 different types of horns and all have different meanings. If the train driver blows a short horn, it means that the train has arrived in the yard and it is time to clear it.

Two short horns

If the train's pilot blows two short horns, it means the train is ready to move and the driver asks the train guard for a signal.

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ટ્રેનનો પાયલટ વગાડે છે અલગ અલગ પ્રકારના હોર્ન : દરેક હોર્ન પાછળનો છે અલગ મતલબ, શું તમે જાણો છો?

Three short horns

Normally this type of horn is rarely heard. Actually, three small horns are sounded in an emergency. It means that the control of the human pilot from the engine of the train has been disrupted. This horn is a signal to the train guard to stop the train immediately by applying the vacuum brake.

Four short horns

By the way, you rarely hear a train giving four small horns, but it means that the train has a technical fault and the train will not move forward. In this way, the loco pilot not only informs the guards and engineers of technical faults in the train, but also informs the passengers not to move ahead of the train by blowing four small horns and arranges for another train to move onward.

Long and short horn

This horn means that the train driver is signaling the guard to set the brake pipe system before starting the engine.

Two long and two short horns

There are also many occasions when a train sounds two long and two short horns. If you ever hear a train blowing two long and two short horns, understand that it means the public pilot is signaling the guard to take control of the engine. That is, the horn thus sounded by the train is meant to signal directly to the guard.

A continuous horn

This type of horn is used to warn passengers standing on the platform that a train is passing through several stations non-stop and will not stop at that station...

Double Horn

This horn is sounded when approaching a crossing so that no railway can approach the crossing.

6 times the little horn

If a train gives a short horn 6 times, whether you are inside or outside the train, be alert. 6 times a small horn of a train means that the train is in a big danger. Only the public pilot knows what this threat is, but it certainly alerts the public. If a novice thief-rogue enters the train and people find out about the pilot, he will sound a small horn 6 times to call for help and alert everyone. On the other hand, if there is a danger of a train accident, it will also sound a small horn 6 times to alert everyone.

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