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Dec 13, 2020

Online a Permission a For Marriage a fuction Digital Gujarat


Online a  Permission a For Marriage a fuction Digital Gujarat


An important deciasion has a been taken bya  the state government regarding marriage. a The Ministry of Home a Affairs today issued a a notification informing that from now on a online approval fora  marriage will have toa  be sought in a the state. In this processs a marriage e pplanning with more than 100 people will not be a to allowed. New software  has been a developed a by the a government for this. Which has been a  made ooperational oon Digital Gujarat in Portal. a Registration a slips can be downloaded by registering  here.


The applicant a has a to aapply online on this a portal toa  hold thea wedding ceremony


In view of the a Koro epidemic,a  the statea  government a will have toa  register online fora  upcoming weddings in Gujarat. A software calledd a Onlinee Registration for a Organization Marriage Function has been a developed by the National a Informatics Center for a conducting wedding ceremonies. This software hass a   been a  activated ona Digital Gujarat Portal a {}. aUnder which the applicanta has to apply aonline on this portal to hold thea wedding aceremony. After making this application the applicant can atake a print of the registration slip or even save a the PDF. If aa police officer or ana  officer or employee of the locala  administrationa  requests a registration slip from the applicant, thea  applicant has toa  submit it.



Released aftera  first making a police a approval mandatory


Earliera , the Gujarat a government had made a the approval of the police a department mandatory for weddingsa  or any other reception in the state. However, the decisiona  was reversed  and a waiver a was a granted. When the rule was made to organize not more than 50 percent of thea  capacity of f a the wedding venuea  buta  within a the limits of 100 people.


Gujarati Read 


 document Needed a  for a Marriage a Function: 

Proof Needed In a Service Attachment

Any Documen ta of marriage  proof

Applicant a Addressa  proof

Any a  othera  Document




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